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So much has been said and written about the nurses, a slightly foolish sentimentality has bestowed on them such an artificial halo, that it is hard to know how to speak of them with the tender respect they deserve. Suffice it to say that they have represented for us all that women have which is delicate, kindly and most poetic. Their presence round a hospital bed has been an enchantment that no-one tires of. They have so well understood their role, and so well acclimatised to our lives, that no-one is surprised any more to see them in places where one might have expected only men could be living, and what a life! We have seen their white silhouette pass by in the mud, their delicate faces in the dark suddenly lit by the glow of a shell burst. One got used to considering them as soldiers, to whom their grace in times of danger gave extra courage. Quite simply, they were loved.